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Archives section overview

Alicja Pawliczak
4 min read
updated: Jun 1, 2023

All of your past conversations are stored in Archives. It really comes in handy when you want to look for patterns and repeating cases, train new agents using old chats as well as simply check conversation history with a certain customer.

Archives in LiveChat

Below, you can find a rundown of the most important features and options available in Archives.

Archived chats listLink icon

A list of all your previous conversations. To look for a specific chat or a group of chats use the search bar and/or filters. Additionally, you can sort chats by date.

Search and filter chats in Archives

Skip search and click on View all chats in Details to immediately find all conversations with a certain customer.

See all chats with a customer with one click

Use filters in ArchivesLink icon

You can choose from seven filters:

  • Agent—filters by agent who was handling the chat.
  • Group—filters by group that the chat was assigned to.
  • Ratings—filters by rating that was given to a particular chat.
  • Tags—filters by tag assigned to a chat.
  • Date—filters by date of the chat.
  • Sales—filters by sales achieved during a chat.
  • Goals—filters by goal achieved during a chat.
  • Country—filters by customers’ country.
  • Availibility—filters by agent’s status present at the start of a chat.

By default, filters are connected with an OR operator. What does it mean exactly? That if you set two conditions (or more) for one filter, results will show all chats that meet at least one of the conditions.

You can select Match Any and Exclude operators for Tags and Country filters.

OR operator in Archives filtering

For the Tag filter, you can choose for the results to match either all conditions or any of them. What does it mean exactly? That if you set two tags (or more) for the tag filter, results will show only the chats that match all conditions (Match all) or all chats that meet at least one of the conditions (Match any).

Let’s look at an example.

You set the tag filter to: Support or Sales. On the results list, you will see all chats tagged with at least one of these tags (so either just Support, or just Sales, or both Support and Sales).

Chat feedLink icon

A history of a particular chat. Click on three dots at the top of this panel to open a menu. From there you can: create a ticket, send a transcript and ban a visitor. At the very bottom, you can add and delete tags.

Create a ticket in ArchivesLink icon

First log in to LiveChat. Then go to Archives and follow these steps:

  1. Click on the three dots icon “” in the top right corner.

Archives action menu

  1. Click on Create ticket.

Create a ticket in Archives

  1. Provide a title of the ticket (and customer’s e-mail address if they haven’t provided it in the pre-chat survey).

Enter ticket subject

  1. Click on Create ticket.

Create a ticket button

Send a transcript from ArchivesLink icon

First log in to Livechat. Then go to Archives and follow these steps:

  1. Click on the three dots icon “” in the top right corner.

Archives action menu

  1. Then, click on Send transcript to email.

Send chat transcript in Archives

  1. Click on Send copy (you will have to enter customer’s e-mail address if they haven’t provided it in the pre-chat survey).

Send copy of chat transcript button

Ban a customer in ArchivesLink icon

First log in to Livechat. Then go to Archives and follow these steps:

Select the three dots icon “…” in the top right corner of the chat feed.
Select Ban this customer.
Select the number of days the visitor should be banned for.
To finalize, select Ban customer.

That’s it. You can see the list of all the banned customers in Settings. If you made a mistake, you can always unban a customer.

Add and delete tags in ArchivesLink icon

To assign a tag to a particular chat in Archives, click on add tag in the bottom left corner. Then, choose a tag from a list.

Add a tag in Archives

If you want to delete a tag, click on the x icon next to it.

DetailsLink icon

Here you can find a lot of useful information about the archived chat. It’s all stored in one panel so you have all essentail data close at hand.

Archived chat details

Types of widgets in DetailsLink icon

  • General info—shows name, e-mail, and location of a customer.
  • Chat info—displays chat ID, queue time, page the chat started on, referring page, customer IP, groups that handled the chat, chat rating and & visitor’s comment, and related tickets.
  • Sales and goals—shows sales and goals data for a particular chat.
  • Pre-chat survey—provides information entered in the pre-chat survey.
  • Post-chat survey—shows information entered in the post-chat survey.
  • Custom variables—displays data based on custom parameters.

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